i don't expect people to give a damn about me.
let me clarify.this does not mean that i assume people will not like me before they meet me. (and, it clearly doesn't mean i assume they will like me.) it means that i expect people to be indifferent, unless there's that occasional exception where they may like something i'm wearing or i'm smiling brightly that day or maybe they caught me doing something interesting. otherwise, why would they not be indifferent?
now, i know part of interactions with people is about attitude. which is to say, some people may look at the statement in bold up there and say, "well, if you go into relationships with people like that you're bound to color it with that sentiment blah blah" mmhm. maybe, that's true. but then again, when i actually meet and start talking to people i'm not usually indifferent to them. i talk to them, and actually try to get to know something real about them if i can/they allow me to fit it in. but not everyone is like this. what i'm saying is... as many of us are there are walking around, how can i expect everyone to care? slow down. there are so many people in this world and only some of them are gonna mean something to some of us, and this is usually for very particular reasons.
so, i don't think i'm doom & gloom. i think i'm being realistic.
however, assuming that people don't give a damn could hamper if/how i approach people. that is the only time i'll try to put this type of thinking on the backburner. but this is also when fierce be-yourself-no-matter-whatness stands up. and as long as the real-alive me is on deck, i'm ready to stick to my philosophy.
i say all of this to say,
if you read this i would really appreciate a response on this one post (you can even keep your name secret)
what do you assume in first interactions with people or just in general in relations to how others take you in? why? what's your equivalent to what i'm talking about?
i'm just really curious to see how others see this. because i don't really see it any other way.
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