Sunday, June 6, 2010

did he write this for me?

...for my today?

i like this song! LYRICS.

i don't know much about Jon Brion, outside of his work on the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind soundtrack (strange and dope), and apparently that he did Punch Drunk Love, which I'm bout to go find and watch now, but uhm, I'm glad I ran into this song and I like what I've heard so far.


  1. i remember when my girl introduced
    me to this song
    like back in '06
    or '07

    literally had me shitfaced for a week.

    jon brion is my hero.

  2. i know, i'm adding it to my philosophy on life. it's in my blue book of quotes.

    i'm fitna carry it with me.

    these words are so... necessary!
