Monday, January 18, 2010

this is my jam! (or one of them... ;])

"And baby when the sun comes up
I’m gonna be holding you
It’s destiny that you’re next to me
I’m in love with you
Oh and baby when I wake up
I’m gonna be there with you
A new day rise
I wanna look in your eyes

when the sun comes up."

So. There is just something about this... I think about it sometimes. Not just the "love is here with a second chance" aspect, though that's a great part of it as well, but having somebody there when the sun comes up. And not just anybody, "destiny." Waking up with someone you're in love with. I guess I imagine it as more than just "waking up" for the day but for so many other things. Waking up to each other, to possibility, to dreams, and endurance, and lasting and waking up everywhere inside. Having someone to wake up to/wake up with, this simultaneous action in love. Heightened, rising with/to the sun. Some of The best mornings for me are when the sun is just hitting so many spots in my room, if not flooding it. (that reminds me of this chapter in The Scarlet Letter called a "Flood of Sunshine. i think i did a project on it. Mad symbolism but that's neither here nor there but yes) And so sometimes, i think I stare at sun rays, stare at what the sun is lighting up in my room and smile. Thank the window, and the shade for its modesty. "When the sun comes up, I'm gonna be holding you." You know, sun is good for you, with its Vitamin D and golden (aura) brown bestowing abilities. And, right now I don't know if I can fully wrap my mind around the idea of having this relationship set in motion of associating the sun and the one you love. I think we do it all the time, even if we've never had it/been in love. We associate "destiny" (read, "the one") with warmth, life, light/rescue from darkness, waking you up, vibrancy, something that will always be there etc etc more.Or maybe, that's just me. Except, I won't go blind staring at "destiny" but there's definitely another risk there. I shall not rant on. A lil John Legend can make my day! "Woooaah yeaeeah"

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